Elizabeth Sharkey

Teaching Yoga to 12 year old Middle School Children

Long time friend and a much beloved and dedicated school teacher, Elizabeth Sharkey, invited me to teach a yoga class for her 25 students who at the time were studying Indian History at Fisher Middle School in Los Gatos, CA. Though I don't formerly teach yoga anymore I accepted the challenge. After all, it's been a passion of mine for over 30 years. I spoke about the benefits of yoga; led a breathing, meditation, and visualization exercise; and Elizabeth and I demonstrated a few partner poses that her students creatively and joyfully improvised upon. They were wonderful, and I was honored for the opportunity to be of service and rediscover the inner child within me.😃

Though I hadn't expected it, a week later I received 25 heartfelt thank you letters from the students.

See below photo album link of the kids in action!
