Devotion Yoga

Yoga on the Hudson in my home town of Hoboken, NJ

Marvin J. Ashton once said: “Home should be an anchor, a port in a storm, a refuge, a happy place in which to dwell.” For me, yoga studios are a sanctuary of peace—a home away from home.

I come to the yoga mat not to compete, but to breathe, to let go of the annoyances of the day, the chaos on the national and International scene, and remind myself how to be fully present, for whatever comes up in my life. I do yoga to appreciate and nurture my body and become aware of the mental chatter the mind creates, make peace with who I am; and to feel alive, open, and free.

In January, I was in my home town of Hoboken, NJ, to attend my dad’s 100th birthday party. The studio I most frequent while there is Devotion Yoga, located on the second floor of the old Trust Company of New Jersey bank building that overlooks the Hudson River and the NYC sky line. I consider Devotion Yoga to be the East Coast counterpart of Breathe Together yoga studio on the West Coast that I attend, co-founded by friend and teacher, Jennifer Prugh.

In life many people will come across your path. Some will use you, some will test you, some will judge you, but the ones that are truly important are the ones that facilitate bringing out the best in you. A dedicated and compassionate yoga teacher fits the bill. There are many capable teachers at Devotion Yoga, now in its 17th year. One of a few I have become acquainted with over the years is Tam Terry, one of the studio's founding members. As someone who has practiced yoga for 30 years, and as a former yoga teacher in my own community of Los Gatos, CA, I have come to recognize the qualities, skill sets, and signature styles of many yoga teachers.

Tam has a welcoming presence that makes everyone feel like they belong; has a calming effect on students; creates a peaceful and fun environment, is energetic, focused and kind, and her joyful love for yoga and her students is clearly palpable. While the class was in play, a winter snow storm was quietly setting in covering everything in sight. On my way back to the W Hotel, where my wife Cecile and I were staying, I spotted a Temple-top like hut in Frank Sinatra Park draped in snow. It couldn’t have been a more perfect day. Namaste'

Postcript: Devotional Yoga, Breathe Together and other yoga studios around the country offer a selection of classes and exceptional teachers for beginners and advanced students alike. It will change your life.